Friday 13 December 2013

well ...ive not 'blogged' for a while now. no reason except forgetfullness.

my plots been put to bed for the winter.

last year i grew veg through the winter but this year ive only got the last of my sprouts and winter onions in their beds. ive decided to start anew in the spring. 

the rains we have had have  left Bogend living up to its name-another reason not to plant til the spring.

my xmas potatoes died with the frosts(sob) and i had a pane of glass broken in my good greenhouse by the high winds last month. fortunately for me,my allotent pal Bob came to the rescue and replaced it promptly.

i have leeks in a bathtub that havent done well but im still to pull them.hoping for a late miracle i suppose.ha

its looking pretty sad but its neat and tidy.
my blackcurrants and gooseberries have been pruned and i disinfected my good greenhouse today.

the snow and ice will be here soon so frequent trips to my plot are a necessary to inspect and correct any damage.

id like to wish you all a happy xmas and a happy and healthy new year.


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